[ per day | per week  | per month ]
  «« 05.19 - 05.252024.05.26 - 2024.06.106.2 - 06.8 »»  

 from 05.26 till 06.1from 05.19 till 05.25average
per day
for 4 weeks
per day
per day
Windows NT 57 8.10   68.7% 44 6.30   67.7% 8   60.5%
Windows 7 17 2.40   20.5% 13 1.90   20.0% 2.70   20.3%
Linux/Unix 4 0.60   4.8% 3 0.40   4.6% 1.10   8.6%
other 3 0.40   3.6% 1 0.10   1.5% 0.20   1.6%
Mac OS 1 0.10   1.2% 3 0.40   4.6% 1   7.8%
iPhone Mac OS 1 0.10   1.2% 1 0.10   1.5% 0.10   1.1%
  Summary of the selected 0 0   0.0% 0 0   0.0% 0   0.0%
  Total 83 11.90   65 9.30   13.20